Friday, March 6, 2009

Don't try to modify ALONE!!

Click on the title of this blog to be re-directed to the you tube video I am embedding in this post...
The video is of a Congresswoman who attempted a modification on her own, and the outcome. Paste the following link into your Web browser if the video does not work:

This video just goes to show the difficulties anyone, let alone a congress person is faced with trying to handle negotiations on their own.

One piece of advice I have given to any friends or clients who earnestly want to try working it out on their own, is please do not sign anything before you have received a free consultative look or opinion.

I do free 1st looks for everyone, and will tell you if you are modification candidate or not, along with an educated prediction of what your monthly savings should be. If you receive a modification offer from your lender that is not close to the monthly savings I have advised that you are qualified for, then do not sign it. If a borrower signs an unfit modification (that only offers a "band-aid" fix) then lenders will not look at another modification offer for you, for at least 6 - 12 months, possibly costing you thousands of dollars, and sometimes your home and or credit. We guarantee the best modification that you are eligible for the first time around, hence offering you a long term solution.

Modifications are currently the 3rd most preferred method to attain an affordable mortgage payment, as endorsed by the current White House administration.

Contact me with any questions!